
Hi there! Welcome to PersiaTees.com

PersiaTees is the website where you can find Iran-related design shirts that are unique, creative, and meaningful, such as Woman Life Freedom, funny inside jokes, Persian delicacies, and Nowrooz shirts. I’m the founder of this website, and I want to share with you why I started this business and what it means to me.

I have always been passionate about history and culture, especially about places often misunderstood or misrepresented by the media. That’s why I was drawn to Iran, a country with a rich and diverse heritage that spans thousands of years. I first met an Iranian friend when I traveled to Singapore, and he invited me to visit his homeland someday. He told me stories about the beauty of the landscapes, the people’s warmth, and the traditions’ depth. I was intrigued and curious to learn more.

Discovering Iran

I started researching Iran online and joined Couch Surfing, where I met many more Iranian friends. They were all friendly, hospitable, and generous, offering to host or guide me if I ever decided to go to Iran. Their kindness and openness amazed me and made me feel a strong connection with them. I decided to take the plunge and book a flight to Iran for a month-long trip.

It was one of the best decisions of my life. I had an incredible time exploring the ancient sites, admiring the architecture, tasting the delicious cuisine, and, most importantly, making lifelong friendships with the people I met. They treated me like family and showed me the true face of Iran, which is often hidden from the world. They also shared their hopes and struggles, dreams and fears, joys and sorrows with me. I learned so much from them and deeply respected and admired them.

One of the issues that touched me deeply was the situation of women’s rights in Iran. I learned about the mandatory hijab law that forces women to cover their hair and body in public and how some women face harassment, violence, or arrest if they don’t comply. I also learned about the tragic case of Mahsa Amini. Her death sparked widespread protests across Iran, with many women waving or burning their headscarves as a sign of defiance.

I was moved by the courage and resilience of these women who risked their lives for their fundamental rights and dignity. I wanted to do something to support them and raise awareness about their cause. That’s how I created a series of Woman Life Freedom designs that feature powerful messages and symbols of women’s empowerment. I also made designs celebrating Iran’s humor, culture, and history, such as funny inside jokes or delicious Persian delicacies.

Why PersiaTees?

PersiaTees.com is more than just a website. It’s a platform to share my passion, creativity, and values. It’s a way to connect with people who appreciate Iran’s beauty and diversity. It’s also a way to give back to the Iranian community that warmly welcomed me and inspired me profoundly. I hope you enjoy browsing through my designs and finding something that speaks to you. Whether you are Iranian or not, whether you have visited Iran or not, whether you agree with me or not, I hope you find something that makes you smile, think, or feel. Thank you for visiting PersiaTees.com and supporting my vision.

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